“Reddiquette” is the name given to Reddit’s particular rules and etiquette – which you’ve probably realized by now is vast. You could also head to r/askreddit and ask or answer questions. The widespread anonymity actually provides a foundation for openness – in other words, pretty much anything goes on Reddit. You can share and interact freely.Plus, this anonymity is kept in check by transparency. Whatever you can think of, there will be a subreddit about it. This meritocratic system ensures that interesting content rises to the top and uninteresting content falls into an abyss.

Instead, host an AMA within your own subreddit (if you have one), or partner with a popular subreddit in your industry. Reddit ads can reach up to 50 million daily active users, but with huge potential reach comes huge potential wasted spend. For example, if you’re building an ecommerce shipping app, read threads to see what users like and don’t like about their current provider, features they wish existed, or what would make them switch. In the r/cats subreddit, you can choose a cat breed as your user flair.

  1. Moderators can ban you for any reason they want, and some of them rule with an iron fist.
  2. You select this in the upper-left corner where it says Choose a community.
  3. Scholars who study the nofap world note that it emerged alongside what’s called the manosphere, a collection of online spaces devoted to the idea that men are under threat from feminism and modern life.
  4. It’s important to pay attention to the laws of each subreddit you participate in.

According to the company, videos now constitute a big proportion of the content users are currently sharing on the site. The number of subreddits has been growing consistently since Reddit was founded 16 years ago. To date, there are more than 2.8 million subreddits (Reddit Metrics, 2021). From general topics like tech and environment to very specific niches, it’s pretty safe to say that there’s a subreddit for nearly every topic under the sun. The latest Reddit statistics show that it is currently the tenth most-used social networking site in the United States (DataReportal, 2023). More specifically, 29.3 percent of US internet users say they are Reddit users.

It’s a place where millions of people go every day to discuss politics, post memes, find porn, and share every odd thought that’s ever occurred to them in the shower. No matter https://g-markets.net/ who you are or what you’re into, Reddit has a place for you. From social justice warriors to men’s rights activists and conspiracy theorists, all are accounted for.

Reddit gold

Now that we have an idea of how many people use Reddit and its popularity, let’s take a look at where users are accessing it from. According to a 2016 study by the Pew Research Center, 71% of Reddit’s audience is composed of men. Reddit is a social news website and forum where content is socially curated and promoted by site members through voting. If you’re allowing a minor to use Reddit, you might be interested in the content restrictions you can turn on to block adult content, which you can do from the Feed Settings page.

There’s no widely available information on the ethnicity of Reddit’s non-US based users, so for now, this is the best we have to go off. If that changes what is nfp in the future, we’ll update the post accordingly. Individual contributions to subreddits, posts, and discussions are the lifeblood of the site.

Although you can stay anonymous, Reddit will still keep a track of your activity on the site. This will include a list of your submissions, comments, and a tally of your karma. It will also show how much Reddit gold you’ve bought, your trophy case of achievements, and the subreddits you moderate. Reddit gold is a premium membership option that offers extra benefits to users. This includes turning off ads, ability to create subreddits only for people with gold membership, and the creation of custom avatars. Reddit is also constantly working on improving its features to allow users to do more with videos.

Understanding Reddit: A beginner’s guide to the front page of the internet

Voting determines where your post shows up on each subreddit and your homepage. Like message boards, subreddits have their own rules set by the moderators. It’s important to pay attention to the laws of each subreddit you participate in.

Redditors are quick to shoot down anyone who engages in self-promotion, marketing, URL shorteners, and anything else that makes it seem like you’re using Reddit as a place to sell something. The more karma you have, the more seriously other users will take you. Due to the anonymity, Reddit uses “karma” to establish the credibility of users. Every user’s profile shows the number of karma points they’ve accrued. Instead, Reddit is more like a forum where aggregated content takes center stage and uses are generally anonymous.

How to Search for and Subscribe to Subreddits

Reddit is a great way to view news, connect with people of similar backgrounds, views, and interests. It works like a newspaper, but is run by users who are entitled to their own opinions. Like any online group, most large subreddits have multiple moderators to keep the community on-topic and spam-free. To help with this, subreddits often have specific rules and posting requirements to follow, with consequences for not adhering to them.

In a way, that’s a good thing—it helps to keep Reddit separate from the rest of your social life online, and that anonymity is necessary for online safety. It does mean, however, that tracking basic details about Reddit’s users and their characteristics has to be done through outside research. The sources we used for this information is posted at the bottom of this article, but basically, we’ve pulled information and statistics from a number of polls and outside research. Whenever you engage on the site, always consider other people and the community first. Aim to contribute and add value.Also, remember to check and follow each subreddit’s individual guidelines. The shadowbanned user’s posts and comments will continue to show up for them, but other people won’t see them.

You can view posts as a guest, but if you want to leave comments, upvote or downvote something, or submit a new post to a particular subreddit, you’ll need to make a user account, which is entirely free. For most of its existence, Reddit has made it clear that they support free speech and allow their platform to be used to discuss any kind of topic, even if its board and founders may disagree. In recent years, under the leadership of Huffman, Reddit has strengthened its terms of service, specifically around harassment, which has caused certain specific subreddits to be shutdown. One of the most controversial of these subreddits was r/Pizzagate, a spinoff subreddit from r/the_donald that surrounded a conspiracy theory following the 2016 election.

NPR has reached out to Rhodes and his company multiple times, but they never accepted an interview or responded to specific requests for comment. There are many variations on how and why members of these communities choose to abstain from masturbation. One of the central concepts in these communities is known as “nofap,” a play on an onomatopoeic word for masturbation popularized on the notorious 4chan message boards.